Ashtar The Man From Space (6/7)

April 6, 1995.

We will now discuss how our planes seem to be able to go right through some of the alien space ships........................................... ........................................................................

Question: "I wish to ask a question or two concerning etheric substance."

Ashtar: "We will be glad to answer whatever we can for you. We wish to arm you with as much knowledge as possible, and are limited in this only by your power to assimilate it. I do not wish to talk over your head, but we will supply you with knowledge to the limit of your understanding."

Q: "I am puzzled by the concept of etheric matter. For example, there is one case on record where one of one of our jet aircraft flew right through a space craft without hitting anything solid whatsoever. Are your ships made of a vaporous substance, or are they a different form of earthly matter?

A: "We have all the elements you know on Earth, and my more. The etheric form of these metals differs in its atomic and molecular structure from earth-made metals. For example, the distance between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons of the etheric iron nucleus is much greater than in iron as you know it on earth. This permits the atoms of earthly steel to pass right through the atoms of etheric steel in such a way nothering happens to either form of steel. The etheric form of steel enjoys a higher vibratory rate than earthly steel and therefore is not apparent to earthly vision or, if you prefer, physical sight. Under certain circumstances it becomes visible, as in the presence of certain atmospheric gases of Shan (Earth) or at will in accordance with the desire of the contrilling intelligence. No matter how great the mass of the etheric substance, even a space ship measuring many miles across in your measure, physical matter cannot damage it or injure it or its contents."

Q: "When you speak of making etheric matter visible at will, is this the way that George Adamski was permitted to take his now-famous photographs?"

A: "Yes. Ether ships, as they have been called on your surface, have been made visible to and for certain individuals, selected upon your surface, of whom Adamski is one. Normally, the ships are part of the invisible world."

Q: "If one were to develop astral vison or the psychic eye, would he be able to see the ships?"

A: "No . Not unless the vibratory rate of the ship were converted to the vibratory range of astral vision. Remember, the etheric vibratory rate is higher than the astral vision. Very few physical humans have some perception of the etheric, but they are not normal people as you know them and for the most part dwell in very secluded places. As a general rule, perception of the etheric through vision cannot be accomplished except through the will of the etheric, converting etheric substance to a vibratory level where it is physically visible."

Q: "In our solar system, are there any other physical beings like us."

A: "No. All beings on other planets in your solar system are etherics. On your planet, as you now know, there are two kinds of beings, physical and astral. Outside the earth-moon system in your solar system, all are etheric."

JW So the way I see it, there are no physical people on other planets in our solar system but sometimes they change their vibrational frequency and do come to our planet.

Part 6.


Remember: The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that extra.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.04.06 Ashtar The Man 6

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